Friday, March 25, 2011

Exporting 'Democracy'

When the US has a true democracy, it might try to export it; until then, that's not an issue. And the very notion that the US would do anything for humanitarian concern is simply a thought produced by giving in to the process of managed consent that the corporations use to package the politicians we vote for.

If the US operated within the scope of humanitarianism, it would use its vast power to ensure that food and medicine reach the starving poor of the world. It would then use its enormous international influence to develop a coalition of humanitarian service providers that would have military protection as it serves the international community. If the US had humanitarianism as a purpose, it would not arm the world and then capitalize on its instability.

If the US supported democracy, it would not intervene in countries where true democracy has worked its way from the people upwards and has resulted in a democratically elected government that does not support US intervention in its domestic affairs. If the US supported democracy, it would not economically and militarily support dictatorships. If the US supported democracy, it would not allow the export of its labor, it would not attempt to crush its unions, it would not steal taxpayer dollars from state and federal budgets to fund the wealthy elite who are exporting our jobs to an enslaved third world.

Third World: a term that should be re-introduced, along with the projects that were once in place to empower the countries it defined.

What America has, and what it does export, is Corporatocracy. The very term, along with its inherent neoliberal economic standards, defines its goal, which is profit, and its purpose, which is to create markets. What human beings become in the process is consumer and labor commodities. In both cases, they become slave populations – one that is the market and the other that serves the markets.

If you consider the areas in the world that have achieved successful democracy while shunning the IMF and successfully staving off US invasions, military coups, and 'free trade' policies, you will find that they are areas that have returned to serving and empowering the indigenous population while developing their own infrastructure - both which work towards maintaining independence from the colonialist, imperialist, hegemonic powers of the last few centuries.

The US has done so much damage throughout the world that it is trying desperately to capture what it can for strategic purposes. These strategic purposes can be defined for the most part as military and/or economic. These purposes are achieved through nothing less than terrorism.

The countries that are rising up throughout the MENA region, if they are able to see beyond the dictatorships they oppose - if they can resist the temptation to give in to the ‘support’ of the US or other hegemonic powers, Britain, France, etc., will ultimately stand against the corrosive corruption of US influence. They will recognize that the terror waged throughout the world has been accomplished directly by the US or with incredibly widespread support of the US. They will recognize terror in all its forms, institutional, educational, militaristic, and economic, just to name a few. They will recognize that these forms of terror have been the tools that have been used forever to manage the masses and that they have always been delivered by ‘empires’ through religious, political, economic, and military devices disguised as humanitarianism.

Only by embracing such realizations will they be able to resist ‘superpower’ influence and begin to demand that the US leave them to manage their own world. And only through this door can they enter the realm of possibly achieving true independence. Only then will they be in a position to develop a true democracy. Only then will they be in a position to provide the social structure that comes along with a true democracy.

True democracy will always support the development of the social infrastructure, because it is by the very nature of true democracy that the majority of the people, not the top one percent of wealthy elite, are cared for. There is a social underpinning to true democracy. That is why a true democracy cannot be supported in a totally capitalistic society; the motive of profit cannot be allowed to trump humanitarianism. When it does, when the scales begin to tip the way of the wealth rather than the way of the people, true democracy has been replaced by something else. The greed and avarice of the wealthy elite have unduly influenced the scales and the people have been adequately divided so that their unified voice does not stand.

The US has two goals, profit and strategy. As we move toward the domestic privatization of everything from education to common services such as public utilities, transit systems, etc., we should recognize that the transnational corporate structure has been in place for decades. This structure has been the true thrust behind ‘free trade’ agreements that have created slave labor in other countries while bankrupting poor communities here. And this structure, this transnational neoliberal conglomerate is defended by the most powerful international military complex that has ever existed. While we stand divided by our ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘liberal’, ‘conservative’, ‘democrat’, ‘republican’ system, we allow the strength of our unity to be drained. What the US does with weapons throughout the world, arming everyone and capitalizing on the instability, they do domestically with race, politics, religion, economics, and ultimately – fear.

Until we stand united, rather than divided – until we recognize that our democracy is not real – until we recognize that the scales have been unduly tipped by the corruption of corporate influence – until we cast off our labels, our filters, the mechanisms by which our consent is managed – we will be managed by these labels, and between the enmity that is created through the labels and the pride through which our filtered vision is guided, we will be led to the trough of enslaved consumerism and/or enslaved servitude.

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